Wednesday, September 22, 2010

End of Watch: Utahs Murdered Police Officers by Robert Kirby

Hands down, best book ever written. I think that everyone should read it at least once.
The book chronicles the stories of police officers who were murdered in the line of duty. Murdered. Not accidents. The stories are from 1858 (If I recall correctly) to 2003 when the book was published.
How Mr. Kirby writes these stories is with respect and honor to the officers themselves, but he doesn't cover up what went wrong. He tells it just as it happened. When reading the stories, you can tell where they might have messed up. Policies in the 1800's and early/mid 1900's were lacking. There wasn't much training to go through, and alot of this stuff had to be learned on the job, by experience. Thankfully, nowadays, officers are required to go through POST, (Peace Officers Standards and Training) before they are ever put out on the street. Then they have a one year probationary period where theres even more training.
Kirby talks a little bit about his background as a Police Officer, but you dont learn too much. I dont think he was all that happy with it, but that's just the impression I got.
Many of the stories are heartbreaking and they are a terrible thing. I wish we could completely wipe out Police Officer deaths, but it's just not possible. Wherever anyone serves, whether it's in the military, law enforcement, firefighters, or even occasionally security, there will always be the possibility of being injured, attacked or even killed. When most people see a cop, they automatically assume they are bad people with a badge who have something to prove. That's not true. They are people with family, homes, and outside lives and interests. They are not just a badge and a gun. They are people. And they are very important. Not many can do the job they do and for as long as they do. They get my respect and support always.
Awesome book. Read it. Love it. Talk about it. I for one will go buy the book and read it again.
To Mr. Kirby: My review doesn't do your book justice, (I am terrible when it comes to saying what I really want to), but you get my thanks in writing such a moving book. I am sad it took me so long to find it at my library though. Cant wait to order it and read it again. Thank you.

-Eagle Feather