Saturday, August 15, 2009


Hello to anyone who actually reads this blog. (Of which there are none.) But anywho, due to some rules put in place at my work we are no longer allowed to have books on post. They came out of the blue. We cant have books, magazines, newspapers, cell phones, any kind of game or craft, etc. We never let them get in the way of our job before and the boss knew it. He said it was all okay. Until monday. So, this will be getting very slow from now on.
Whats sad is, that I have to sneak my journal into the post so I can write at lunch. Thank God he never comes at lunch! (Hey, we aren't even supposed to take lunch, but we do anyway.)
So, no books of any kind, no games, no making things, no cell phones, etc. Fun fun stuff. Not even on holidays when the doors are locked and the whole place is shut down. Not even then.
So, like I said, this will be slowing down quite a bit as I try to find time to read. Sorry to the ghosts that read this.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury

This book is a book about two boys and a carnival where things are not as they seem.
The house of mirrors shows you who you really are, the carousel plays the calliope backwards while in reverse, and the freaks are not who they seem to be.
Written so it takes place over just two or three days, it's not a slow read. It's well written in the classic Bradbury style.
I like how the story seems to be that eventually you become your sins and your doings. It's not a big part, but it is a part.
Now, I would like to see this in movie form. I hear that there is a movie out there, but I have yet to see it.
Anywho, sorry for this short and sparse review, but all I can say is I loved it! Who doesn't like Bradbury? I mean really?