Thursday, March 18, 2010

Killer Book of Serial Killers

This book, written by Tom Philbin and Michael Philbin, is a goldmine of some of the worst serial killers out there, such as John Wayne Gacy, Ted Bundy, David Berkowitz, and many more.

The first chapter in the book, however, is about Albert Fish and his kidnapping, and subsequent consumption of, 9-year-old Grace Budd in 1928. Yes, he cannibalized her. Sick bastard.

Ted Bundy

It's no wonder all the women went with him, he was rather good looking! He liked women with long dark hair, parted in the middle. He would feign an injury and ask the unsuspecting woman for help. She obliges and walks with him to his VW. He layed the back seat of his car flat and hid a tire iron behind the seats. When a woman came with him, he would take out the tire iron, knock the woman unconsious, and then take her to a wooded area, kill her then rape her. Nice eh?
Authorities estimate that, conservatively, he has killed over forty women. They will never know for sure because dead bodies dont talk and Ted Bundy was sent to the electric chair on January 25, 1989.

John Wayne Gacy

It is said that the most dangerous position a young boy could be in was with John Wayne Gacy in his home.
He had a home with a crawl space underneath it, and occasionally he would torture and kill a young boy and bury his body beneath his house in the crawl space. His neighbors started to complain about the smell, which Gacy had claimed was sewage problems, just like everyone else had.
When officers discovered the bodies, they discovered that Gacy had covered the bodies with lime to hasten decomposition. They discovered 27 bodies and Gacy confessed to five more.
Gacy was executed May 10, 1994 by lethal injection.

David Berkowitz
The Son of Sam

David Berkowitz was convinced demons were talking to him, and they wanted blood. They instructed him to drive the streets or wander the malls/clubs until they saw a victim that they liked. Then he would walk up to them and shoot them, usually people or couples in their cars. The demons liked long dark haired women.
Near the end, the demons told him to go on a shooting spree in a campground in Southampton, Long Island. Luck was with those on the island as it had started to rain, then downpour. Berkowitz decided to pull over and wait it out. Soon however, the demons told him to go home, the rain had cleared out too many prospects. When he got home, the demons criticized him on his inability to complete the mission. They told him he had to die. The police had finally discovered who was behind the killings because of a traffic ticket.
Soon, every available officer surrounded his house. When he was arrested, he just looked at them and smiled. Like it was all just a game.

I enjoyed reading the book and learning about the different serial killers. I did not enjoy reading the Albert Fish story, because I dont much like cannabalism, and they only focused on one victim: Grace Budd. To be a serial killer, you must have killed at least three people and the killings must be over a long period of time, 1.5 years at least.

I just finished their first book: The Killer Book of True Crime, and I will post the fascinating facts and stories of the book soon. I want to own these books for myself. Happy Reading!

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